
FROST 是NOTCH音乐节唯一提供自己 live visual 的组合,美丽的主唱Peterson对我说他们的视觉素材基本都是静态照片的移动画面,都是特北欧风土人情的照片,但她担心直接放DVD现场会太单调,让我们做一些mix,但是不要太疯狂,那天我刚去过他们的Myspace试听,心里有数,说没问题.


NO+CH 2006

Nordic-Chinese Music Festival

October 4 - 6, 2006

Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou

Northern Europe, a land full of spirits, grows people and music that are close to nature. NOTCH Music Festival brings the latest in Nordic music/art/culture/ilfe scene to a Chinese audience, so as to further nurture the local scene. NO of Notch are the first two letters in Nordic, CH are the first two letters in China, and the T can be intepreted as a + equalling to plus; altogether, the word speaks for itself. Additionally, NOTCH also means a small cut or groove, such as on a record. It's as ubiquitous as on the surface of a CD or vinyl record, representing a high quality of music. The 1st NOTCH Festival will take place in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou during the National Holiday Week. In Beijing, there will be a showcase of 30 artists and performers, both international and local. For more information, we invite you to visit our website at http://notch06.blogbus.com/


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