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北京 上海 广州


北欧,这块充满灵气的陆地孕育出最贴近自然的人和音乐。NOTCH的NO是Nordic(北欧)的头两个字母,CH是China(中国)的头两个字母。NOTCH的中间字母T又可以写成+,与加号同形。组合在一起,意将北欧最新的音乐/艺术/文化/生活场景带给中国听众,以滋养本地场景。NOTCH本意为“刻痕”。每张CD或黑胶的表面都遍布着无数道满载音乐信息的细微刻痕。它们在音乐爱好者周围无处不在。首届NOTCH音乐节将于2006年国庆黄金周在北京,上海和广州三地同时举行,带来北欧的两大厂牌Jazzland和Smalltown Supersound旗下的13位音乐家和四张全新专辑的亚洲首发音乐会。这两家厂牌成立均已超过十年,发表过众多优秀专辑,欢迎到现场厂牌摊位和厂牌达人近距离交流。音乐节也将邀请近两年冒出的本地新音乐人同台演出。在广州,我们还将举办两位厂牌御用设计师的视觉艺术展加工作坊。他俩同时以音乐家的身份出现在现场阵容中。

Northern Europe, a land full of spirits, grows people and music which are closest to the nature. NOTCH Music Festival brings the latest Nordic music/art/culture/life scene to Chinese audience, so as to further nurture the local scene. NO of NOTCH are initial 2 letters of Nordic, CH are initial 2 letters of China, the letter T can also be written as +, equals to plus. Altogether the word speaks for itself. NOTCH also means small cut or groove. It's ubiquitous on the surface of a CD or vinyl, representing quality of music. The 1st NOTCH Festival will take place in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou during the week of National Day holiday, with 19 musicians and 4 new albums' Asia premier concerts from 2 of the most noticeable Nordic labels, Jazzland and Smalltown Supersound. For more than 10 years, both labels have made a bunch of top notch releases. Welcome to the label booth on site to meet masterminds behind. In Guangzhou we will have an exhibition and workshop for labels' graphic designers, also musicians on stage. Emerging Chinese musicians will be invited to play as well. Click the logo of "Radio Take10" on the home page to listen to NOTCH06 musicians' works.

Categories 类别

free-jazz 自由爵士
folky-improv 民族即兴
electro-acoustic 电子原音
ambient-organ 氛围管风琴
subzero-soundscape 零下音景
sleepwalking-female-vocal 梦游女声
glitch 脉冲干扰
retro-futuristic 复古未来
live-remix 现场混音
Jet Set 喷气机族
open-air-chillout 户外驰放
label-master 厂牌达人
film noir 黑白影像

NOTCH06 Beijing Program 北欧音乐节北京站节目表

VJ Haobuhao

VJ po+long2 (pulpo)

Venue 地点:
Nhu, Lido Park South, N°6, Fangyuan Xilu


Pre Sale until Sept.30th: 100RMB for 3 nights!

At the door: 70RMB/night

NOTCH06 Online 音乐节在线:
NOTCH06 Broadcast 网络电台:

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